📅 January 19, 2021
👷 Chris Power
Over my 10 year career I have worked at a ton of different companies. I have worked at large companies, small companies, I have also worked for myself as a freelance, or consultant software engineer. I have been in a lot of interviews, and I have given probably a hundred interviews. I can tell you from my experience that most interviews have the same general pattern. And if you can study certain things, you’ll ace your next interview.
Here is a quick video of what you need to do, in order to crush your next Javascript, React, Ember, whatever-framework-it-is, interview.
There is always at least one “tricky” question: This tests your knowledge of the language of the job you’re applying for. It’s meant to weed out the people who really don’t know what they’re doing.
There is usually one algorithm type question: Ah, yes, the bane of all software engineers, algorithm questions. These aren’t necessary about specific algorithms like Dijkstra, or Binary Tree Searching, or anything like that. These are usually lower-level questions that test your knowledge in basic data structures and loops, recursion, etc.. And example: “Tell me if a sentence is a palindrome”
You’ll have to write a small feature of an app: If the company hiring you is worth their salt, they’ll ask you a relevant question like: Can you code a small feature of an application? This is meant to test your real-world abilities. You’ll want to code lots and lots of stuff in order to get this right. Its super simple. I lost a job because I didn’t practice this one skill enough.
For Javascript, You may have to write vanilla JS: Study up on your vanilla JS. Some companies like to throw you off your game by asking a question where you code a small program, but without any framework. You’ll want to know: event binding, vanilla JS stuff.
Here is some more information:
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